
Tuesday, September 30, 2003

Interested in blogs by librarians?

LISNews lists them here.
Here are some interesting web sites for blogsphere newbies:

The Greg Schwartz article "Blogs for Libraries" is great and includes 6 reasons to write your own blog.

The Blogger "About" page tells what a blog is and how to make one.

The June 30, 2003 PC Magazine article "Building Blogs" includes a useful section on blogging service providers, including Blogger which I use for this blog.

Also in PC Magazine, "Blog On" reviews the blogger service providers in detail.

Check out the Top Five Tips for Webloggers.

"The Blogging Process" even includes a colorful flow chart for bloggers.

The Blog Herald has "more blog news more often."

In June, the Ninth Circuit Court extended First Amendment libel rights to bloggers. Click here to read the Wired article.

Find out about the famous Bagdad Blogger Salam Pax here and about his new book here.

A Special Welcome to Cathy Perley!

I am having quite a lot of fun getting this blog going. I am going to put in entries with additional resources relevant to my "Add to Favorites" articles.

Look again later -- I have a lot more that I want to add and change!

Sunday, September 28, 2003

What am I reading now?

Walking a Literary Labyrinth: a spirituality of reading by Nancy M. Malone. Today I read the chapter on "Theology as Spiritual Reading," where she laments that "theology has been virtually divorced from spirituality" and that contemporary theology is "hopelessly daunting" when it need not and should not be.

I am looking forward to reading some of Sr. Nancy's book suggestions.

Read a book for free!
What, you ask, are my sensible shoes?

Two pairs of black SAS Free Time oxfords worn on alternating work days.
Welcome Midwest Chapter Librarians!

I hope you found the latest MIDLINE "Add to Favorites" column informative!


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